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Rebuilding Meaning - a Kehillah of Study, Comfort and Creation
Rebuilding Meaning - a Kehillah of Study, Comfort and Creation

Wed, Nov 29



Rebuilding Meaning - a Kehillah of Study, Comfort and Creation

At a time when the Jewish world seems to be going through a crisis of meaning when so many of us are in dismay and pain, I invite you to gather. Literally gather in a virtual kehillah of study, comfort, and creation.

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Time & Location

Nov 29, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.



About the event

At a time when the Jewish world seems to be going through a crisis of meaning when so many of us are in dismay and pain, I invite you to gather. Literally in a kehillah of study, comfort, and creation.gather virtually

We return to the study of Sefer Yetzirah, the book of Creation / Formation,  to process our sense of brokenness in the face of war and death.

For this course, we'll often use R' Jill Hammer's book "Return to the Place".  You can purchase a copy from TBO's office if you wish (But this is not necessary for our study).

Wed. at 8pm, Nov. 8 - Dec. 6 (leading up to Chanukah, the festival of lights)

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